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LTJG  Junghwan Ro




Assistant Professor



Room111, TongHae Hall









  Master of Eng., Mechanical Eng., The University of Tokyo, 2018
  Bachelor of Eng., Mechanical & Systems Eng., Okayama Univ., 2016
  (Fully Funded, Korea/Japan Joint Government Scholarship Program)




  - Professor Officer, Mechanical & Systems Eng., ROK NA (2021-)
  - Interpretation Officer, ROK3RDFLT, ROK Navy (2020-2021)
  - Engineering Officer, DDH-979, ROK Navy (2020)
  - Seaman,UDT/SEAL Trainee, ROK Navy (2019)
  - Research Engineer, JLK inspection (2018)
  - 45th President, Korean Student Association, The Univ. of Tokyo
  - The Global Leader Program for Social Design and Management/GSDM,
  The University of Tokyo (2016-2018)
  - Korea-Japan Joint Scholarship Program for Sci. and Eng. Students,
  Okayama University (2012-2016)



Research Interests

  - Micro Combustion
  - Micro Reactor
  - Low Combustibility Fluid




  - Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
  - Statics
  - Fluid Mechanics
  - Robotics



Selected Publications

     - Reactivity Evaluation of Weak-Combustibility Fluids in Micro
    Flow Reactor with Streamwise Temperature Gradient
     The Ninth JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Eng. Conf. (TFEC9), Okinawa,
    TFEC9-1603 / October 29, 2017
     J. Ro, Fan, K. Morimoto, Y. Suzuki
     - Study on Control of Resolidified Layer Thickness in Large-area
    EB Irradiation Method
     54th Conference of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    (Chugoku Shikoku ), February 26, 2016


